Monday, 27 August 2012

Bottoms Reservoir Langley

Your eyes do not deceive you it really is called Bottoms Reservoir, found these two happily feeding on any scraps thrown to them, one gentleman was feeding them dog biscuits as that was all he had in his pocket, just got stale bread off me, unfortunately the weather men were wrong again (could not have been a woman, as we are always right LOL) so a good excuse to go back again in the Sunshine and only three mile from my front door.

Wednesday, 22 August 2012

Goyt Valley

Today was all about Butterflies and Scenery in the Goyt Valley on Staffordshire Moors, changable weather as you can see from the Cloud Scenes, nothing else seemed to be playing ball today. Meadow Brown
Green-Vein White
Dark Green Fritillary

Tuesday, 21 August 2012

Staffordshire Moor Scenery

Scenery shots taken while going up hill and down dale after the Wheatear posted previously, they certainly gave me a good work-out who needs the Gym!!

Staffordshire Moors

On the Staffordshire Moors yesterday for a few hours early evening, went back for Wheatear spotted the day before while hunting for Grouse, was worth a trip back and got in a little sun bathing to boot!

Sunday, 19 August 2012

Bird Fair 2012

Just one of those days for rubbing shoulders with the Stars. Bill Oddie
Johnny Kingdom
Charlie Hamilton James
Simon King

Friday, 17 August 2012

Trying Out a Smaller Lens

Trying out a Smaller lens before committing to purchasing one.
Turning Autumnal
Hover Fly
Hover Fly

Sunday, 12 August 2012

Blackbirds and Robins

Just a lazy day at home! with a few visitors to keep me company.
Alone At Last
Feed Me

Saturday, 11 August 2012

Sheep Dog Trials

Macclesfield And District 65th Annual Sheep Dog Trials, held at Sutton Hall Farm, Sutton, Macclesfield, not what I would usually put on my Blog but a great day was had by all and very local to me, so was worth supporting.
One Man and His Dog
Last Lap
Almost There
Watching Out For The Dog

Quick Trip After Work

A good friend of mine pointed out I have been slacking of late, so dashed out quickly after work to rectify situation, not sure were the Air Ambulance was off to but returned a short time later. Will have a little more time over the week-end as no work till Monday now.
Air Ambulance